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How to be a great hotel manager

The most important role for the success of an hotel is that of the manager as they are the ones that keep the operation running smoothly. If you’re asking yourself how to be a great hotel manager, that means you’re half way there! Here are a few more tips to help you on your journey.

Your staff is the key

A good manager will invest time and resources in finding and recruiting the best staff members. Now that you’ve built the best team possible, use it! If you’ve done your work correctly, you can trust them enough to delegate tasks so you can avoid micromanaging.

Work on your overall communication, even keeping an open door policy. This will show every staff member that they can come to you with any concerns. The sooner you know about any issues, the faster you can work on making things better. You can also open anonymous channels of communication for those team members who is not comfortable enough to have a face-to-face conversation with their boss.

Know your hotel inside and out

The most important thing for you to do is to spend as much time as possible outside of your office. Not only is the best way to learn the ins and outs of your operation, but staying visible will help you gain your team’s trust.

Beyond that, it can also enrich the guest’s experience. Greeting them and being available for them to voice their concerns directly to you will make them feel special and will also help you fix any problems as soon as possible.

The objective is to find issues before the guest does, and you won’t achieve that if you don’t make a habit of walking around the property.

How to be a great hotel manager
Photo by Austin Distel via Unsplash

Make fast decisions

You are the leader of your operation and you must act like it. This includes being decisive when it comes to decision making. If you present as confidente, your teams confidence will also grow.

Being an hotel manager is a full time job for which you have to wear many different hats. Let us take something out of your plate! Send us a message to learn how we can help you run your laundry operation so you have one less thing to worry about.

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