Don’t let the high cost of initial investment stop you from creating the perfect laundry room. Spending a lot of money is not the only option. There are many benefits of leasing laundry equipment vs. buying that you should consider before making a decision.
As mentioned before, cost is the number one advantage of leasing laundry equipment vs. buying. Leasing allows you to start operating without any upfront payments. This allows you to allocate money in other parts of your business.
When you lease your machines with Southeastern Laundry Equipment maintenance is included. We will schedule routine maintenance to make sure your equipment is always running properly. If there’s any issue we can catch it before it becomes a problem.
If you already have an operating laundry room, take a look at your equipment. How old is it? Leasing allows you to replace your outdated machines to brand new high-quality equipment.
Southeastern Laundry’s Equipment Leasing program gives you access to the equipment you need fast without a credit check or any money down. You never have to pay for service or parts, and routine scheduled maintenance is included.
Are you ready to make a decision? Do you need more information? Contact us and we will gladly help you figure out what is the best option for you.