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Laundry Room Wellness Check

When was your last laundry room
wellness check?

If you answered anything more than 6 months ago, we highly suggest you schedule a free consult with one of our techs. We can help pinpoint problems and some solutions to avoid unnecessary downtime and costs.

Only calling when’s something is broken is costing you money.

From our 46 years of experience, we have seen time and time again how important it is to call us before a problem arises.  Folks that only call a technician to service their laundry equipment when something is broken are losing unnecessary time and money. A lot of this can pain and cost can be avoided by properly maintaining your equipment.

You’re not alone

If you tend to only think about your laundry room when a problem arises,  you’re not alone. A large amount of people tend to forget their laundry room needs maintained until something goes wrong and they’re facing an extremely high service and repair bill. We suggest you check out our scheduled maintenance plan or service agreement to ensure your equipment is running efficiently and to avoid the hassle and expensive cost of unplanned break downs.

When was your last laundry room wellness check?

If you haven’t had a laundry room check up within the last 6 months, we suggest you schedule one with us. The initial check up is free of charge and our techs will take a look at the overall health of your equipment. They can help answer questions like “are my utility and service bills higher than they need to be due to my equipment?” or “is my equipment performing optimally?

It is no secret that we offer this health check for free because we are in hopes you will decide on a scheduled maintenance plan or a service agreement. We suggest all customers are on a scheduled maintenance plan at the bare minimum because in our 46 years of experience, it is what is best for the customer. This health check does not include and labor or service to fix any problems we may find, but it will give you an idea of how your overall equipment health and if there are any changes that could maximize performance. Based on what we find, we will give you our suggestion on what is best for your situation and go through our different service options. More often than not, a customer receives a health check and decides a service plan is the best option, but even if you decide against that, you will still receive insight into your equipments performance.

Just Fill out the form for scheduling!

Want to do it on your own?

We get it and are all about empowering those who have the time to do it on their own! Download this monthly checklist as a guide to maintaining your own laundry equipment and avoid breakdowns.

Schedule Your Free Consult Now

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